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Thursday, May 14, 2009


Carianne King
Heidi Hafen
Michelle Aucoin
Christina Jemison
Candice Rountree

Aliases: "The Americans"

Sorry to leave you in suspense on that last post...ha ha, well, not really.
So, we aren't allowed to go observe/work in the hospital anymore, nor any place in "the trust" (any public health care). They are telling us we don't have the right visas, which is funny because before coming here our International Study Office at BYU assured us that we had the correct visas. They even confirmed with the British Consolate! Also, when we first got here, they had us register as students at Huddersfield University so we could use their placement program to work in the hospital. Well, apparently being registered at two universities (Huddersfield and BYU) is illegal. The ladies at the registration desk were freaking out, thinking they were going to go to jail for 6 months. (chuckle)

At first, they were so worked up about it, they said we couldn't step foot in the hospital, not even to say goodbye! I was actually pretty upset, because I was beginning to really love the patients and the people I was working with. I think I almost cried when Erin told us the news. I feel like I'm letting them down, just disappearing on them. The university has since calmed down and said we could go back to the hospital on Thursday to say thank you and goodbye, but I am worried that some of my patients will be gone by then - especially one of my favorites, in particular (the one who called me Pepper). Boy, it sure doesn't take long to come to love someone when you are taking care of them like I was (very personal things - bathing, toileting, etc.). I know that sounds slightly funny, but I am truly sad to not be in the hospital anymore. I never thought I'd say that when I first got here, seeing as how most of what I did was just CNA stuff. But I think the greatest thing I learned from it was that I do know for sure that nursing is what I want to do. I really do love taking care of people, and if I can love it when I am only doing simple CNA activities (which is sometimes taxing - I admire CNAs very much), then I know its for me. :) I love the interaction I get to have with people. I have the chance to learn something from every person I meet, and that will be a lot of people as a nurse! I am grateful for the blessing I have had to feel a portion of the love that Heavenly Father has for His children, and I hope I can feel it for every patient I ever have.

So, long story, short - the university is trying to come up with other opportunities for us to see/learn/observe other parts of the health care system in our last week here. Our main goal in coming here was to assess and learn about their health care system as a whole, so the private and community sectors are important to experience as well. Needless to say, we had today off, so we went to the Huddersfield Open Market to do a little shopping, then prepared for our trip to the Lake District tomorrow!


  1. I'm so glad that you feel so confident about nursing. Classes and profession are sometimes so different. I'm also glad you get to say good-bye! I'm so sorry that your plans were changed. I love you and miss you!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to see in another context what Christ has taught us- that when we serve others we learn to love them. You will soon get to do this in another way!
